Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Journey Begins!

What's up to all of you in blogger-wood.

This is my 1st post ya'll, and let me tell you that this has been in the making, and I stress in the making, since January. I was reallllly nervous about my first post, so I did what I do best ... procrastinate.

Are any of you like that? I just completely shut down sometimes.

If any of you all are like me, you are thinking about this up and coming school year, but having a hard time getting focused.

Summeritis is in affect.

I start a project and then jump to another one, plus my "Pinterest Addiction" is not helping matters.

Okay, so here's the scoop on me...

I've been teaching for 8 years, and a curriculum specialist for 1 year. As far as organizations go, I've worked for private schools, traditional public schools and my current endeavor, public charter. I plan on sharing many of my successes and challenges in the classroom. This past year I have developed a love for cruising blogs (my husband is soooo jealous); some of my favorites are The First Grade Parade, Step into 2nd Grade, and Oh Boy 4th Grade. I've recently discovered The Math Coach's Corner and A Middle School Survival Guide. I adore each of these. If you check them out, I promise you won't be disappointed.

I hope that you all visit back soon, I will be sharing how I'm getting organized for the the next school year, how I long term plan, and how to organize differentiated instruction in all subjects.

Comment on what you're working on this summer, and I'll share some of the things that I've done as a teacher or what I've seen as a curriculum specialist.

Happy 4th everyone, and celebrate responsibly,

God Bless You All,

Akeysha Allen - Goods


  1. Yeah! I get to be your first post. Congratulations Akeysha. I know this site is going to be amazing and I am definitely going to be following along :)


  2. Hey Erin, thanks for the congrates and for following. I'll be posting soon, so stay tuned. Hope all is well with the family and of course the new baby Ryan.

    Take Care,

    1. Everything is great. Isabella made her appearance (finally) on July 3 at 1:25. I will send you a picture :)

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